About Me Publications Projects Blog

Hey! I am Jalil, I am a PhD student at the University of Wyoming. I work on geological carbon storage, carbon storage geochemistry, unconventional oil and gas resources, and AI and ML applications in subsurface energy systems. Check my links, publications, and projects below.


Masters of Engineering in Petroleum Engineering

University of North Dakota


PhD in Energy & Petroleum Engineering

University of Wyoming


Research interests

  • Geological carbon storage
  • Computational geochemistry
  • Unconventional oil and gas resources
  • AI and ML applications in subsurface energy systems


Publications highlight


A Critical Review of Physics-Informed Machine Learning Applications in Subsurface Energy Systems

Abdeldjalil Latrach, Mohamed Malki, Misael Morales, Mohamed Mehana, Minou Rabiei

Geoenergy Science and Engineering · Elsevier · August 2024

Citations: 22 Bibtex APA MLA

Identification and Quantification of the Effect of Fracture-Driven Interactions on Production from Parent and Child Wells in Williston Basin

Abdeldjalil Latrach, Ahmed Merzoug, Cilia Abdelhamid, Ilyas Mellal, Minou Rabiei

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference · SPE/AAPG/SEG · June 2023

Citations: 8 Bibtex APA MLA

Feasibility of Repurposing Oil and Gas Wells for Geothermal Energy Production in Wyoming, USA

Abdeldjalil Latrach, Abdesselem Dehdouh, Cilia Abdelhamid, Ilyas Mellal, Minou Rabiei

Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium · ARMA · June 2024

Citations: 0 Bibtex APA MLA

Formation Evaluation Challenges of Tight and Shale Reservoirs. A Case Study of the Bakken Petroleum System

Ilyas Mellal, Vamegh Rasouli, Abdesselem Dehdouh, Abdeldjalil Latrach, Cilia Abdelhamid, Mohamed Malki, Omar Bakelli

Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium · ARMA · June 2023

Citations: 9 Bibtex APA MLA

Novel Approach for Elastic Anisotropy Assessment in Organic-Rich Shales: A Case Study from Early-Mature Region of the Bakken Formation

Mohamed Malki, Vamegh Rasouli, Abdeldjalil Latrach, Ilyas Mellal, Billel Sennaoui, Hichem AK Chellal, Anis Larbi

Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium · ARMA · June 2023

Citations: 2 Bibtex APA MLA



Python Qt

BladeStim, developed for Blade Energy Partners, is a multi-modular platform for performing a wide range of data analyses and calculations (e.g., step-rate analyses and unified fracture design) related to completion and stimulation of hydraulically fractured oil and gas wells. It provides a streamlined workflow to import, clean, and process raw field data into the software, for visualization, analysis, and export.

BladeStim BladeStim

Wyoming Class VI Site Characterization Database

Python ArcGIS

The Wyoming Class VI Site Characterization Database Project is a collaboration between the University of Wyoming, the Wyoming State Geological Survey, and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, which serves as the primary enforcement authority for EPA's Class VI program in the State. The project is focused on developing a geologic site characterization database of geotechnical information that has been compiled and verified from established, public databases/entities and scientific literature to expedite Class VI permitting in Sweetwater County within the Greater Green River Basin of southern Wyoming.

Carbonex (coming soon)

Python Machine learning Geochemical modeling

Carbonex is a web-based platform for high accuracy estimation of CO2 solubility in multi-salt brines at a wide range of pressures, temperatures, and salinities. Carbonex relies on a physics-informed neural network that was trained on simulation data and fine-tuned on experimental data while enforcing physics through a modified loss function.